HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE - 749 - 6/1/1971 - POLICE DEPT/SALARIESAN UK»1:UCJC' j:;TA_.'.7:-�Nl ;S ; U1 TIL'.' POLICL DII'AP. !.T OF THE I%i7.lviGl; 01' CI,Y. F' oV1i VILLP_GP IPCtd, TL7 r.,;;EFOk:E, P,li IT ORD.,17%]7n bq tho Presid,^nt and Po^rd oP Trustr,es of tiic village of 1'lk Grove Village, counties of Cook ar_d DnPa,le, Illinois: Sr— l.. That the ,salaries for Sergeants, PaLiu lmej and Ccdets of Lic Police Del rtmcrnt of the Villaue of Rlk Grove Village shall be and ar^ hereby estab.Zished as follcras Police Police Police Length of Service Licutenant S'ergoant Patrolman cadet Pay in EIA Grove Villaue Per Month Per h:onth Per. Month Per Month Step Less than one year_ Police experience in rant. $1,096 $ 995 $ 819 $538 A One year but less than two years police experienoe .in rank 1,192 1,082 890 565 L Two years but less than three years ]X) -Ll cc experlcnce in rank 1,295 1,17E 968 593 C Three years but less than four years malice experiorce in rank 1,052 623 U Four years but less than f.iv years d ice expori.anew in rants 654 ); Five I7Cars c::peri once in rank 687 F Roference to "Length of Service" is applicable only to Patrolman and Police Cadet. No peroon presently employed st,ail recc--iv°e Lwo (2) erl-erience pay increases within one rank in any twelve (12) month period except upon specific dui.bo,,izatinn by the President. and Boord of T.rustne.c. Sect_ion_2 7 new patrolman may b2 hired in P�y step Is if he has t.wo (2) or mo.rc years of prior police_, or equivalent, cxper_ieuce _?nd only in .instances when, in the judgment of the circ and Police Commission, a candidate is exceptionally well q-sill.i:fie:d . Section [within Len (10) days from passage of this Ordinance, or at the time of hiring a new ,x)liroman, the Fire and Police Comnu_ssion of the Vi.1.lane sha1l ascertain and verity a r-oZice- man':; prior lolico crpr.rience, if any. Folice experience shall -- 2 - he compui-ed to the noarr.:;t rlu)I(h. .'mods of more 1.han fifteen (15) days shall br comnutod as a full month'se:rperi cnce. t Upon asecrainm;nt of a policonm:n's c:pers:cnec�, the Secretary of the Fire and I'ol ,ice Comm2^;::ion shall tr,msmit to the Vi11a_ge Treasurer the fcllowiny in&nnation: A. Piame of the jyDliceman. B. Effective date of employment with the Village of Elk Grove Vil1_age Pol.ice Depzrtment. C. Salary anniversary dato. Duplicate copies of tha foregoing shall be sent to the Chief of Poll(.,(,, the Village Manager and the Village Clerk. Section 4. Sxcopt as otherwise provided herein, all pay increases resulting either directly or indirectly, from police oxporience acquired as a member of the Police Department of the Vi.11ige, shall be effective on the first day of the pay period wherein falls the policeman's annual in -rank experience annivorsary. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full effect and according to law provided, however_, experience pay increases granted present personnel shall be effective as of May 1, 1971. PASSED this 1st APPROVED this 1st; ATTEST: Richa.rd A. 1.5cGrener2 Village Clerk day of June 1971. day of June 1971. Charles J. Zette,11 Village President