HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE - 4 - 1/14/1957 - PLAN COMMISSION CREATEDOrdmalvr C NO" _ AN Oiilik'1'';LNC"s c:oea:.--ug a .Ph'i Cornmissioax in and for ti -4e 'fil'1a.l;a of Elk Grose `pillage, Cook Co.aaty, Illinois. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESMENT A.`*'fD 3C)A.F;,), Of' 7R S7 EES OF THE VILI A.GE Or, EL -,,C C`ROVE V11.,11,1GE,; C "orG C:ov vrI' ) L AN 3IS,' SECTION 10 -- PURPOSEo In order that ;:,Iequate p c,rvi,jaonp' be made for the preparation of a. comprrhensive Vilmge plan for the t!uidmce, dsecti:t and control of the growth and developmant tiff the Village of €Flk {:hove Village: a Plan Comanissioasp which shaU be a d,3pavtment of the Vi,,;age tlavernraent, hereby created pursuant to wn aFt entitled "The Rr,vised CD3Ics find 11111.ges Act" approved August 15, 1941 and eVective January 1, 115'1- SECTION 1;4 - SECTION 2, --MEMBERSHIP, Said plan e:;smasa ssicm;. stall cwuist. of four (4) members to include the followttg: Tial Preside:at c€ the: Baaard, c f Trustees who is also the president of the board of lox al irr) oF+E, s:rterts shall lu a member ex -officio of aaLd plan aTommiscioan„ with pope*er to von e:. and three (3) other rrscmbers, eitizeas of said 5iilaa€te appointee; ty t?!- Pr rsidc a+t on the basis of thea particular f;.%nea,3 for thea. -.tuty on cat.a }dant �onvnissicn. and subject to the approval of ,.he. Board of Trzmtees,. SEC'T'ION 3.,-•-'F'EiUA OF 01'FMIE, Tho rs.=:-m5prsn t= ;-ofAcfo sh-11 sea-, for the term of iris elect,i-.,e office, Os the threes (:S; citizen ,nern'Ye.-F,, ate (1) shall be appointed Chair -:nu for a terar o`.' :our ('d) years; a,n S ..) 31a;311'ae appointed for a term of two (2) yearE scarf cru. (1) sBWl. be �, qmp ,acted 4cr a terr' of four (4) years., Thereae':t+er such citi:;er. rr„e•mbe.s-S xh all t e,. a f wain, ed :br terms of four (4) year,, Yacancies sla,l bo filloe by zgpoi; <.azYt;:at., fr: tinexri'z ,:i terms only. All membero os? the Cora;wis.sion ska l; nSati except that, if the Bca:r,%Tr`%PSteps & 4iraa 8%adu-isable, t Sd`. mail' receive such come-enza. ftic i n,-, mml Yt-. ;e t.y' 3a "a I cwurd of Trurteee and urwAdod 'o7::' -7-, A',ln,, 3-SgU1W:0nS 01 MQ1"xW,W1r, : 2-W conmimt nn ;"alb ', ;Dzt r and at we kxt! T,)rc. Orw to A on ab ll A Tep %wrAtk, i r-,-orc t: of ipa-( i '. edimp, ; which ;3aall be open a.2 al'r Tan'*'u to pr34i- ,mrper-t, :m- The, iball also file: an ;utzmml rit''par'z;u0b. the Pronsidpvt of 11 P Wqm! A Tr oneces forth its trarrzacticmv %nd :7?-rommendatjmax. SECTIONS. ---PO'>VFRS AND "DUTIES. Sm -I Plan Cmmmfi Am stall h-4 � the followi:kg pavers ank! Wmies. JAI To prepare and retarnrnen6. !;A) the j3oar4:. of a cornprztbznaive plar, ,f prblJc to the p;:<*r Tit and fut-aze dcvelopxr-m,at ar,d _gxT(.,Wt1 of said Viilpq�I,, Such plan aftei Its adoption bz- ::he :"3c and o+ Trurt,!e! v, -,J1 be kms-wr is the r�riic"a1 PjB:-1 oikac. Cr we 1,"Mag r! I Su,zh eS.-- ':n 11 !nclIe6v-, x ez:.'retable %-ef,'M rer I,:,, ---t,5 ill% reforentm, v j sweeta, at s, and jp.ibl gron-ids v:thii; t:'ae to limnitu c.".. i to voctigunma WrAtary cxymi& of and distm; not moxe 1%rvs ore -ar(l an: a -hal' Dw.,Tr-, such limi-tF anci r, -jt znrIvA?6. in an-,, ,s to be elrec6ve whenE .-er much amrlt : h�-�1 be eub&Niead after W! of such ATT To prG-pz.r, and rearornam,?nc 4:a the e ,?,ard of Tmslo -s ct- ED: Grai-e- '�!iUge froth tizm(v to tirrc,,,. #,urh rl,.-.ng� t, in t etu plan as xna,, be de.,Nmed Y,ecessary �y the Bc,---,.-d of f zu rt, tes- or by thj�T-4as Coznm.ss-.ozr (C) TC ZILd" i,, the of '.' f -c, -n time. to :Xf ?,Dkm '"m au -a Al �i o r Ovate: om r 7. -enda'J., or for , )e; -., i 1 j)) ro give m, ;. to the amew w e�w vina-ge of c Mage oi "rged witl, Ch,-1-MUME. of proje ti 3 fear is InAhey We muldng or, sunh gVi-,:tr;t31.Y to carer r !-.I .=2 tic Y.a "11c, To arrar go ar I candnK nay iorinn c.i piublicm y rek,-- ve- ! o rm , a.1'.@ �•'n I a a Fox th z g? av x al puz so s E af ; r.� lic rad -2 a i andin TO MWMW:�F:�- Finc"I othf r julveTs gerinane to Pk, -,V �rs grardeei by A& Act ar, ima—;F 6cnnf?xred by tie B 7 � re. ;',f =QaK nor, - inis -h V co I cffm. 3-SgU1W:0nS 01 MQ1"xW,W1r, : 2-W conmimt nn ;"alb ', ;Dzt r and at we kxt! T,)rc. Orw to A on ab ll A Tep %wrAtk, i r-,-orc t: of ipa-( i '. edimp, ; which ;3aall be open a.2 al'r Tan'*'u to pr34i- ,mrper-t, :m- The, iball also file: an ;utzmml rit''par'z;u0b. the Pronsidpvt of 11 P Wqm! A Tr oneces forth its trarrzacticmv %nd :7?-rommendatjmax. SECTIONS. ---PO'>VFRS AND "DUTIES. Sm -I Plan Cmmmfi Am stall h-4 � the followi:kg pavers ank! Wmies. JAI To prepare and retarnrnen6. !;A) the j3oar4:. of a cornprztbznaive plar, ,f prblJc to the p;:<*r Tit and fut-aze dcvelopxr-m,at ar,d _gxT(.,Wt1 of said Viilpq�I,, Such plan aftei Its adoption bz- ::he :"3c and o+ Trurt,!e! v, -,J1 be kms-wr is the r�riic"a1 PjB:-1 oikac. Cr we 1,"Mag r! I Su,zh eS.-- ':n 11 !nclIe6v-, x ez:.'retable %-ef,'M rer I,:,, ---t,5 ill% reforentm, v j sweeta, at s, and jp.ibl gron-ids v:thii; t:'ae to limnitu c.".. i to voctigunma WrAtary cxymi& of and distm; not moxe 1%rvs ore -ar(l an: a -hal' Dw.,Tr-, such limi-tF anci r, -jt znrIvA?6. in an-,, ,s to be elrec6ve whenE .-er much amrlt : h�-�1 be eub&Niead after W! of such ATT To prG-pz.r, and rearornam,?nc 4:a the e ,?,ard of Tmslo -s ct- ED: Grai-e- '�!iUge froth tizm(v to tirrc,,,. #,urh rl,.-.ng� t, in t etu plan as xna,, be de.,Nmed Y,ecessary �y the Bc,---,.-d of f zu rt, tes- or by thj�T-4as Coznm.ss-.ozr (C) TC ZILd" i,, the of '.' f -c, -n time. to :Xf ?,Dkm '"m au -a Al �i o r Ovate: om r 7. -enda'J., or for , )e; -., i 1 j)) ro give m, ;. to the amew w e�w vina-ge of c Mage oi "rged witl, Ch,-1-MUME. of proje ti 3 fear is InAhey We muldng or, sunh gVi-,:tr;t31.Y to carer r !-.I .=2 tic Y.a "11c, To arrar go ar I candnK nay iorinn c.i piublicm y rek,-- ve- ! o rm , a.1'.@ �•'n I a a Fox th z g? av x al puz so s E af ; r.� lic rad -2 a i andin TO MWMW:�F:�- Finc"I othf r julveTs gerinane to Pk, -,V �rs grardeei by A& Act ar, ima—;F 6cnnf?xred by tie B 7 � re. ;',f S—E, w & A.'O 4:. .. t,'i a7•i;e.i?.t'L Z.FS '+. �S'.� n�. 1..::r�T .e 1"1. '..1LT, i Il the aC" ,r isirs 0 . `x'12' 1 s '�'+1. .. G;,�;Y"aFziB iQ', (mzd_,.�.' �.�£• 2"a: '. �,' J'�t:7 Ds: .�., cs. 7 _ implemented by avy z . : cr ;,,.' z..ian.. t1a 2 mo- be ado ,F:.sc' by of er rrr , .. in Cook County insofar a.A 1-e same i;a pes aible- SECTION 7. <.- „.?'OND SUBDIVISIOP' OR RL-cv BDl%`1::;l0N adoption of an official plan ins the maarne: prescri::c�d in this act. z o maga or gra;: of any subdivision or ra-r--bdMvision proaeatttd £oa . e., orri, "Yeeti Ig land •arit'aa'" the corporate limits of the `v`i:i1zge of 3" h t" r'we Vtr14.;e., car ,;a ca :iguow territory outside of and dii.-tant not more than one and nae -h« if mi es from stu . limits and not included in the Village of Ell, Grove Village, r hall ? e entitled to record or shall be vva'dd ur:less the subdivi:>ion thereon shall proviIt for std ree': alleys., end public grounds ip� confor=--'ty wth emy z-e�viremartc ap,dlicable thereto of such officir.l pla..a. SECTION h. _-411PROVEMENTS - 'Elie Village Clerk ahala furnish the Pian Commission for Etc c.-.insideratiat a c-py of all ordinan:.es, plans and date relative to public improvements of any nat'.are. Th -1 PL.an Cor'amisI ion may r,!,pc in relation thereto if it deems a report nac-assary or a.dvisab ie, fa .- the consideration of the Board of Trustees, SECTION 9.--EXPENDITURLS . 7:he Corn-cission. r..•iay,: :.t the discre?, of the Board of Trustenee e.;nploy neceasar= held whoon salve ".es, c,°a•fes.. and oa.i necessary eagaenses s +.zi t,e provided for 1-,l- adequate aR?rolriati0M made by Oaf Board of Trustees from tho 7ablic. f+mds. 1' uaid Flan Comm.ssion shall deem . advisable to secure ttr1rm al advice or ;e vvi.cea it; n2;:y be d sue upon authority from the ViUag�s Board of `.'rtssteee ani a �p;aropriaiaoaa:a by rhe dilY,s ge Board of Trustees therefore. SECTION 10. --EFFECTIVE DATE, This ordinance „!hall `ae in full force and effect from and after its passage accorduig, ::o law PA.SSEAa trnas A/ dna A.D. 1957, ATTESTS / ___ �_z_. Prerai tent