HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE - 19 - 6/10/1957 - TRAFFIC IN STREETS/HIGHWAYS.&H O3<47.Q,'t'cA'14'l,avi -,o regulatlen 23 M i,'iz'MINED ly ?i::.:.....t:Slde nt nna the t G[`.'s'd D'r";i'l%i."ll''IMS IND G'MtRMUQ, E"� )V' z'ONa ,section 1, Definitions". AMne7er in this c°.haptem, the following %aims axe used, they shall have the meanings rospeo'tively eseribad to therm °.n this nonti.on, Alle73 A highs of lees than 24 test to`al width used primarily for delivery aermice" Business 11e0100 The closeQ tawilOpp bssizess portion of the village. Groas»alka That portion of the roeciiauy incl-adafi within the prolongation of the sadowalk Unos at street Inter— sections. Driver: Any percoa who Is in aetwal ph stenI control of a vehicle, emergency vehicles Vehicle of the 'police or vire Departments; actulanesse any YrohON conneyUS village official or employee in response to an emergency call* Siplosivea An ohos:ical oompoun& or mechanical mixture that is commonly used or intend& for the purposes of producing an saplosion and which contains any oxidising and corn bustive units or other inerodionts in such proportions, qu antiti sp or packing that an ignition 17 Mao by Aviation, by concession, by percussion, or by detonator of any part of the compound or mixture may oause such a st)riM generatiam of higialy hated gases that the resultant gaseous pressures axe capable of producing dsstr',asatible effects ca aentigmoas clJoHn or of deatToyind life or limb, Fara M.C+`'.flN Men motor 'rehirpic* Wig;ned sad used pskea.: wily as a fare implemaat for Navin; plows, moving machine ,, sad other implements of hrzbatdry, Flammable liqu dg toy liquid Which has a flash paint of seventy degrees F. or less, as a5hoyaWad by a €ab15r,fue or equivalent closed cap test dance. Improved hijanFa A ro•:nre Ry of aoncreto6 Vicks asphalt,, macadam or gravel., SMICSectiont The a Ta a i dMr f4UOd WHAS the P o azgatloa of the property lines of uwo or _rote st:tzzY which joi.a at an Engle„ whather or not arch swag*:mets cross, leaW hi..ghxeys A Sts e":£'+`u p; tho 2'O+S+la."ay Q which is ON= Into tl2roe or core clearly Ma? ": Y "},ants On ';Or+?.t?aa Or OeexE"2"N.= Loading zones Ths o Bx'o slf3.jC'3fnyto ,. £, ['k L.cz k`�,cl f£_ the oxclusivQ ues of yah -lo e o a '4,?ra 7'.>.'. ''+:'S' £ .� se ` g on iL!59.ond g V--. pass ars or Wer ale. Ketal SYS; CT1'.VCs'n! Own Ohs SUMOS O r hich ',i°S ni":?. nCis with the ro'alway is Ni -1,5 l'y on ;l+.T".i;Y M al. to O'v:!aer !)R9.rQ02-11 resilient WzMaal'' `A`o o role; .�'i Fr)vy 06000 VOLVO hd'-'ji.n.g G'. P.'.".dmo the use of too Sdav and dS.i:a,,-T.,and to `G:"r3.'w"v`l,. on Si?)`^: ra0-zO than wheels in contact n1th the gaoYad„ t'ut ; exolvding a tractor, Motor Vahiele: Every Tchiela 'ilAch is self-craapelled and eve:, vehicle which is propelled IV electric prower obtaixaEx3 from overheard turas, but not operatpA ova rails. ftex: To stand a vehicle, oco'-pied or not© for a period of tins €:Mater thorn ics rsnsoasbly necesssny for tho actual 1oeding or unloading of psrsonw. Pedestriasa: .r' person afeo Pneuca,tic tired, Every tire �a '.ahichcon-prasgEed air is deeig_�aw. to Support the load. Property linea Tits line marking the boua8ary betu,00n sup street and the lots or prop©rty abutting, theream. Public building: S building vzod by the villagea„ county or by any para district,, sebrial district, the State of Illinois or the 'United States gover,a vat. Right of W. The privilege of the iismediate use of the roadway, P.oad tractor: Every motor 'vehicle designed and used for dra'.aing other vehicles and not so corstrz;oted as to carry' any load. thereon either indepandently or zr:g p:-,,rt of the weight of a vehicle or load so drawn. Resideace district: The closely to at=tea reaicleace portion of the village. ?oadwe>q: That .portio:: of a, str a£; enzifyed or ardor ndriiy used for vehicular traffic. Safety sones That portion of a rcz-Zvay resea^ved. for the erclusive use of pedestrians, suitable r3z:cd or el©vat'O' School baea Every roto_' 'vehicle named by a public or governmental agency" and op�atea Sax tRaca t:��naportatioau a4 chi" dyer: to or from school of pwly-.telt' o�aal and operated for con- ptra:aation for the transportation of caild:e to and from school.. emi-trallera Every vehicle, i4th.)ut motive power designed for oaa •3ng porsons or property and for bairg drawn 17 a motor vehicle and so constructed that some part of its weight and that of its load rrats upon or La ea, riead by another vehicle. Sidewalk: That portion of a street between the ourb line or roadway and the adjacent property line designated, for pedestrian use. Solid tire: Every tire of rubber or other resilient material which does'not depend upon compressed air for the support of the load, Streets Every way cat aside for pablie travel except foot pathso Suburban district. That portion of the village other than the closely built.-up business ked residence districtso Traffic: Vehicles, street cars: pv!llmstrians and draft or herded animals unsung any street for trtrnl. Trailer: Every vehicle without r:roti a poorer designed for carryine passengers or ;proparty natd for bairg drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed tfa,.t no -,art of its weight rests upon the toufi.zg Vehicle. Track Motor: .eveiy rotor vehicle dsaigavl and need primarily for dravirz othsar vahicles cad azwu so conotOranted ao to carry a load o-thar tB-ar.+a a pari. ,f thz !i 3,$a of the sc3paacle ave' load so ft-a:-ta. 'deMclee 1" 3-n do--71re In, vpor'k Or f' W111.Mi1 any tpozec'.1 or property is or may Ge '�i'&t?sa�i�,^`<''"wwP'A f. !t;.'<%Ya`:. "."..pin ie, hii$1Jv- , '.a-- aludi .g bic%,roles brat not 1-n aluding T JeYTd' :3'.,'c.`i CRs FJ on, voy ^vo—L: Y,,om,, Section. 2. Claesif'ieation of vel-Aalio. For the purposes of this chapter. motor vehicles shall be dia+ided into two divlsianu , tomwitt First, vehicles :which are designed for carrying not more than seven persons; second„ ;:hose vehicles which are designed and Ma used for pulling; or earrryizg graaight and also vo?nioleo dsmigael and used for carrying more than seven porsonso Section I Obedience to polica. mentors of the Police Department are horoby authoOiac:d to direct all OWN In accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or in emssrgeaclosa as public safety or convenience may require, it shall to aMUNT. for any person to fall or Wase to com,p?y •-ribs any lavrful Moro signal ©n direction of a policemran, kc:'capt in 'S&?ina of It shall be unlawful for any parioa iaot s:uhorizod by 'in; •en direct traffic. ffic. Section Lir Scans of fire. TO Fire Department in command, or any fireman designaatel A slim, may onmrci.se the powers and authority of a policeman In, 07c'aOg traffic at thc- ocene of away wire or whose the Firo Dspa. oriant has a"c9€,apo a?od to auy Czargency call for to long as yiy-a Derartnent equonmeat in I the scene, in the m'beoece E<r or in assastIng the police, Section 5- Signs and signals- It shall to m.laNal for tho driver of any vehicle to disobey the inatraactions of easy; traffic sign or signal placed in Yev ly authority of the laoasd of Trustees or in accordance faith the lava of the State of llllnois„ ®11 signs established by direction of the governing body shall can - form to the stake stardaAds for traffic s?g= section 6., Light aignalso Whine er traffic at as Won - section is regulated by the type of signal commoall known as a, stop and an signal or traffic control. signal; the following colors shall indicate the following casmandes Red requires that traffic faced by this color shall Este and remain standing, Green requires that traffic faced by this color shall move and continua An notion, except when stopped for Us p` rposws of avoiding am accident. or When stepped at the aommn ad of a policeman. Aw't+er or yellow indicates preparation for a. change is direction of traffic moeoaento When a red lens is illuminated Q rapid inEea°anitte& flashes, datives of voh oles s€31 stop before entering the intersectios6 11hsn Fa yellow leas to illuminated with rapid intormIttent Plashes, drivers of vehicles mer precool into the intesrsoctian *MTV with extra. csautiono +eo8ion 7- signs '4th span, It shall be unlrawful, for a perNoza to place, MOMS or dlaplqv an, device, other tl ua an official way sing or dirgomion Rg a or signal authorized by statute or oxdiAnnoo. open or in view of any street, It such device purports to ba, or is In 101101sm 04 va official, uaarning or direction sign or signal, oa= directs or purports to direct tha Movement of traffic,; A17 e s^h Unauthorized device is hereby declared to to za anieaneop ami xz7 be removed by easy° polacel-- 1t shalll be usal<vz€al for oay person to deface, injure, move, or interfere lith any official traffic sign or signal.., Section Ba Animals or bicycles. Zvery person riding a 3-- biogclo or Fin xai::saL or dxi,'v'iug et"17 .,z?`�?etI sziz m;: a veS clo upon icy e'Lvee shall bo subject Go rh-e.-Provio -cn cx this d)aptero applicable to the <h,°icor (af a3 veaiej.c, nxces it• thceex provisions %hich cem have ro aaoplic.A.t'<<n to ogle r3.as_r<g €e bicycle or driving or ridixg an an°u::s>•l Provided E;ksat, a zoar,t. In business distriotso bicycles :caw 16 5:160en on sidegalks. Section 9. Ezewption% The ;,revisions of this ordinance regulating the movement or ps,r%in:g cif �Yshicles shall not npply to emergency vehicles :chile the driver thereof is € --- gaged in the performance of emergenoy chit°es. )oar shall such pro•visione &pply to persona actually ergagod in repairing or other rise improving the strestq under the authorlty of the Board or Trustees or or the State of Illinois. Section 10. P°xightea sl horses. Aar person driving a vehicle shall at a signal from a hereon In charge of a frigh•taned horse. bring his vehicle to as stop and remain Stu loit ry until such horse has sassed. Section 11. Toy VeMcles. It sa yIl be ian?.awlfal for :vy %aeon as co;.-star. wiled. abates or othor toy meblolso, to go upon a roadwa,7 other than at a cross-.nik. THROUGH ST> .5g O. 1:1AX STMK TMMTS Section 1. Through tetreete. Every striver of a vehicle trade -sing any street intersecting '.rich =W through street shs7.l stop each vehiclo before catering, vlaom the tbrozzgh 4txeost within ten feet of such int®rsection, unless a CO zi)%al ie riven at sueh intereection by a traffic officer or a traffic aidssl. Section e. one z„fir atroots. It shral be unla;jftl to operate any vehicle on ,ay street deaigaated. by the Binrd of Trustees as a oae�way street in any x1i.•eorion 4 ib= th= that indicated. Section 3. Stop interaectiona. It shall be Unlw..afsal to drive as * vehicle Tuba the intersection of 2vay Intersection designated by the Board of TruRtesa as a rt®ya intersection street without first bringing aaoh vehicle to a fill stop Athan tea feet of such intersection. ARTICLE III R=S FOR DRIB INCL Section 1. Required position and method or taa%irg at Intersections. The Driver of as vaahiole intending to turn at an intaraecticn sball do so as folloaasa (a) Doth the *pr'cmob for a ragnt t,zrn and a rim iit1 "td. t3 hall b0 mads tis 01096 0, � j5.:+&o t ca a"v '�"..:-s:=. or eJee of the r4advev. —4� (b) 4t may intersection whore trffie is permitted to move: in both directions an each eate.lag the 4.n en-, section, an approach for a left town stall be We in that pox+, tions of the right half of tie roai:ey nearest the center lire thereof and by pgssing to the right of such center lire siavrre it enters the intersection and alter entering the intarzootioa the left turn shall be made so no to lenTs the intersection to the right of the center line of the reaasaexy being omtera& :Ianever practicable tis;; left tuna e 0111 to We in that ro:rtie:n of the intersection to the 7aa"t of Q, Center of the Wteyzackcn? (c) At any Intersection :r-se::,e traffic is restricted. to one direction on one or more of the ronlsaays, . tto driver of a vehicle intending to turn left at any coca intersection shall appvoaeh the intersection In the ®xt: s=e 13f fhaa l lane lawfial.lr available to traffic moving in the direction of travel of such vehicle and after entering the Intersection the left turn shall be made so as to leave the intersection. as nearly as praeticai4.e„ In the lett' aaa lane lawfully amailable to Only% moving is such dissection upon the rcadwI7 being entor ed. The driver of a vehicle about to ester or areas a highmay from a rivate road or dria'ew, Whall yield the right—oM way to all vehicles ag Toach°snb on said itknsy* 59CUOU 2* MUM on crest of hill. No vehicle f4hp-11 be turned so as to proceed In the opisosito diroctloa upon aaW uarvea, or upon the appraach to, or near thn r,.;:,est of a Waite, whore such vehicle cannot be seen by the driver of any othesr vehicle approaching from either direction withAn five hundred flat* section A Starting paehed WWI, No person shall start a vehicle .shish is stepped., standing or parted unless saad until such movement can be made vAth weasanable safety* Section 4* Driveras signal.. No drivers of a vehicle shall suddenly start, slow down, stop or atteept to turn vithout first giving a suitable signal In such a manneras to apprise others who might be affected by his aotlou,. (ra) No parson wall turn a vehicles .from a direct dowse upon a highway unless and until such movement can be grade lith reasonable mafety and then only after giving a eleaasrly aad9'ble signal by sounding the horn If any pndnotrian nay Is effected 117 such movement or after giving an appvy. yr Tato signal In the manner hereinafter provided In the event any oth,7 vehicle may to affected by each moverxcaac< (b) A Kenai of ' n'te akon D turn eight or left 1011 be rival during not leas: t:vwn the last ICO fust traveled by thf.) vehicle boOre turning* T.� The signals !Marsala requires Bell be even either Ud mosses of the hand and arm or by eig al l rials or signal devise, halt. hat a vehicle is so constructed or l.oAded 1r.3rzt a hated and avu signal should not be visibl<a 'both to the Mart :and Near of. ,acla vehicle then said signals mast be givan bar such £a Is, or device, All eignale haseln requited j n by handl and arra shall be given from the left side of the vehicle in the following manner and such signals shall indicate as folloca 1* Lett turas — Hand and arm extended horizontallg® 2* Right turn — Band and area extended upward or moved with a sweeping motion £'hors the rear to the front; 3* Stop or dsozaass of speed Hared and area oxtanded dounwardo Section 5. twining from »11 ,Fq, driva gYa or garyges. The driver of a vehicles exery • foam .;m al?.a p drivowly or garage, shall stop such vehicle imnad3.ca ITY brio.• to driving onto a side„palRo or aorosg a sidevals liaa ; 7ojec°csd across 4r, a11e7's sounl the horn of said vehicle, and shall exerains; unusual care is driving upon said 01e4awaalk ar aorasas vial line, Section 6< Mikes Trot `to be damn on sidewalks or in saYety zanes, No 'driver of a vehicle sazall drive -.Athin any sidewalk areae except at a permanent or tc lorazF driver ! or at any time, Into or upon a y portion of a rocas f marked as a safety zona Section 7, Flight-o&sway. Wept as hereinafter pro- aid®d motor vehicles traveling upon public higlruays shall give the rigghWaff-way to vehicles approaching along Wersecting highways from the right and shall have the ri ft:o%Arra over those ap paosohing. frost the left, Section S. Vehicle tuxulag loft„ The driver of as v ehicle within an intoreection intendlag to Was to the loft at Q 1 yield the right:-of-vay to any vehicle apyivacning Prose the opposite direction which is vithin the intersection. or so close thereto as to constitute an Immediate hazard, but said driver, bavixma s;o. yielded and having given a signal ulan and as required by this ch a wa r, may make such left 'vara and the driver, cc all other vehicles approaching the intersection Koiti~ the opposite di eati.oa shall yield the right-ofway to the v'shinje 20hing the left Q � Section 9. limitations on Mainz aro'a. d,„ It shall he unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to tuza such rehicle so as to DrocoeA in the opposite direction Woss suoh nolmmant oan %e mad® In safety and vitho t backing into trufaic or otherwise interfering; .aith traffic,. Section 10a e00 Turns. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to make a 04 tures at sty plsece share suedh turns are prohiMbed by ordinance. Section 11. No Lt turas. It stall be unlawful for the operator of'any motor vehicle to tura left at any intersection designated by the Hoard of Truatoss by ordiranc® as a no left tons Intersection. Section 12. yollominai Fire apparatus. Upon the sounding of gongs or warning devices uso1 11pon fire aakL-atms ar fire patrol vshiclea, drivers shall drag ;,heir vehicles as near to the might curb as is reasonably possible and shall rszalz standing until ouch fire eppaTa%uc has passed., ;fit dull be vnlavlul For say driver of ani- vohi.ele, other th n one on Official businv:sa,, to 21low aasy :dire appaxacrs in response to :a 91r°e ala m, clagov than one blocern or to hark zny $G'hOW :A Akin the ?lvw"4? who -:v3 firs bas rszgpped In answer to a fire My= M shall to forth.er ualawf t%, for th,c drlHsar of =7 aehialo to drive over acv unprotected hoar or t1a ire daps eAIEnt,, ui,thoeat the consent of the dire Mar skal on the e.saletrsaat to ennnand. xe+ztion 13o MY= on right Wo or road a ., Upon ILL -61, rnM ays Of sufficient width a vehicle e1iall be driers aeon the :right half of the roaduay, msoept as :?ollr s2 to 14hen GYerr V34l.Aa"4z al'YEt pa8%'.�.s"..arrr fJ tai ^w n °B CC>^�'3iale prem ceeding in the s=ome direction imC.or m ovementg 2. lihen the right hale' of ,3 roadixV is closed to t,affie ;'chile under eoaetruciSoz or rayai-. 3- Upon a ivad,.-aW dUvIded -into L, -ms T?arkad lmes for traffic %w -der the rules applicable thioean; or 4. Upon a roadway designated ant?eiga posted for one my traffic, 5. Whenever there is a sinClo track paved road on o -a side of the Imblic highmy and t::ta vebiales meet thtreoa, %ha driver on whose right is thm widor shoulder shall give the rIght oP=srMy on such pavomsent to the other vehicle. Sections 14. Passing vehicles, ,Drivers of vehicles orc� cesdlag@ in opposite directions, except as yrovided in a li-eceding section, shall pass each other to the r3Zh',. app upon roadi%Vs having Adth for not more than one line os traffic, in each dirasrw..ion each driver shall give to Qe o :iaa: %w mast on&T&an of tP�a realm tm.veled portion of the roadia.Eq as s',oarly as possible. Section 15. OverMdng vehiolst- W'aa followln,- axles shall governs the overtaking and passing o ':r." cslLsa p-40oeeding is Va camel direction, subject to those limi at`enao exeeptionss, and special reales hereinafter stated;. (a) The driver of a vel+Sole ove-aMh ig another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thwreof at a We distance cad shall not again dive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of Mo overtaken �vishiole. (b) Except %hen overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtakez vehicle shall give wey to 'be right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on emlible siga^l and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle, Section 16. Ovortaking vehicles on the right. (�-•) Ths driven of a vehicle may overtake sand nsss upon the right of another vehicle eihich is making or about to make a left turn. (b) The driver of a vehicle may overtake and, allo•.d.ng sufficient olesaranoe, pass another velAcle procGeding in the s direction either upon the left or upon, the rig:nt on a roalmy with. unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for four or more linzo of moving traffic when Bach movement can be mw de in safety. No person small drive off tis pw-mment or upon the sh alder of the road'Aw in overtoki+ng or Passing on the r1ght. Section. 17. Wimi£atfons o,:., oc s'cek?.z oil tsM Left. (a) No vehi:.le ,?'mall be c»'`: a to tae loft rwia Of, thm center of the roadsrap in Gve�taking ca& pssi3lrg asoni:sr° vp?asole .proceeding in the same dL9 9CtiC4 =34G,:3ufia5 lea' 3iLi.6? i� 0 Ta";":_y Asiblo and is free of ommn1m;, traffl<a :Por a strca2ivient iint:azzc zhaend to pormit vgxb o ci.tti.? ne and pa:an'ir?g to 'b.- without b witthout int -&^^fort -2g ',Ath %id@ 902a of ILS:+ ve;h o'a ing f-"om the opposite direot.Ian of &"y ve iole o-iar,,A- Gn. 7n. 'e -e -Way event the overtaking vehicle imst retam to thz fight head side of the road,my before coming within cme b2zsds-ed a ctat of nay vehicle approaching from th oVpozlte dk ection o�� '�i}) No no'T,her 'Ve"Aclo rtr at amy QI . zuu; ;n hs 1,04'elds 0.? ?,lw°J roa1';a'Y GL9. ��: "39� 011013 s.v.:`...i i::�.:. �•�'. v.'..? i;. . r'.ij fi T" '�2;5'!tid w., to za k2pjs=t,...37:'v., .... :} 3 . "Gt 0.1, .a'a";' b"t."7C3'u, s.:itlM rie, „0,:7s33i;fi`' within one hxndj.. ,a Q- ' (3.i t,...:...:t-'3 lag any, $,;;t til9':i C; L"`%3 ..i., rte.^. .: .s.:. �,:'%r'i:;C Fw'.'..t5 C1 ...a`C: `:15.x,.::^�✓: }o 'fhare official cial si vgns ny—j -,n Oh -',C^. center lino is Ca«%'! ei, +d'itich C?.:.', MnotIv'a i.lnr„ also so MGM a ur "x3c aa do i.='red 3n the zign wznaal adopted by hs State W n;.'Ment of Publics WOW and Eulldlzgn Section 78, dne: ,:JSP s"emd'.ra;"; aRl'i ,rwiaa- @sar:MC S.ai�,cY (a) U_pcn a roa&.iay dosign.yts'i and alga posted for ecne–?•;s,.7 0 :i;Y@a a 'il'Lii3W1.V shall be (r1?: -en only in +V Bl n:cf3i:'lon d@19;1.,ri,_"4./'.Wd'' (b) A vehicle pang na aa`'4'3Y217 a Wavy trafTi. €I ''.k71and shM dx7.4:en only to `a; p23 :light as C"'ch asl.a^.Pi'd.< Section 19. Dolsonz en road-_�oYG Ta. -ad for tr','Mc. Whenever any roadway has iota Ci"'.."ided WK t:.4'roe? or @.RCY'n z:.'90vx"1 A: arkaad laass Q2 traffic aho 0JI.S..oy ng n^3.<.;'.'S ja a.C'tA'3."^.' oz to al others consistent hsrowitl shall a _a&57; a.g, vehicle 's=3d1.!. `'Ji2 dr:Kvw,a as .T4..;,rQ me �t7, SaGh9 C:.tl. Cungrizely Wiwl"at'"'n a sinY rlo i:Ld shavo M a FJ.1^i'3sd "ti.:'Ta'OU Maar lams until the driver has :"asst ,: t=3r,.'.S's'i:aSnOl `n;_:' Vach F ov%D si`u:3'np can be made -„ ligh safety. (b) Upon a rG2lK.t;' which In dbC`ze,ml .a'"o "::':?'eo Innoin a Vehicle shall V& be dvive a in the CWay 1001 Foxosp'$ when overtaking and passing aaio vla r i "cl.e ljhE le wa roadvn 23:Y is o1ca"r"iyvy visible end trach coater lano Icy o.feav fle l'iraffAo wa"`hi.%3 €1 lase d'astanow, or In Top £L 1s7;'*a ti:a.+."2k or "'''hare stacl.' €:€nts lone Is at the Ma u3 un"['3.t.'�'.'ffRn kap?+'$!.4,, •' direction n in he direcion the sJY.3SOM A„!3 ;�'`h �%S�•`u..f. T'.�� ".��: � t L'"r .�i SV fil C.a�:{. to give aotice of Bach (C) Official syn": �.`,�'T.``, jntt,i:iilEi!ti:lo"'".rn,, eDs �.•-"Ctt v.?;":; $Y'yWo to Uwe a L'':C74'ign a'Pi:.Fd ''.I'n o :ial.3.0 e:,E;t'r 'LC 'J?,;:^;: Gl.�"t �fc iJ. ':..�3 'till tra flo moving La to43_7 5:? dlm nEl°Jit C'ud Cx t^ y o: Dilly the directions of o-q�oz,W r:�ac:Pa sr s� Sfl3WCi3 20 t:'UIyaliez of °G C+1... clus on <Y7pr0:i{'h C: authorized emoxlgency v''CIM120o It *e ... ,a C7 T� R'.,'3 Nid4L',q %'1 '<",59d >"."_'ui:.'tlgi?:&e'•`y'" �. t::1Cl.Cc whom 5:.t `.: d':.'i i"'3A' to aulible s'ignal by a3 ens ezhaurt M & s., or Wilz W dsW;,`.,' eveqF other .;aside 0:11 Yield &: °5._s" � ::d 0111 l.S'. ;aadlaWly drIve to a poli ton ponylle! ,, .ndl rcw dose ms po-� 0110 to, the right–bold yi_i'� oo of `ri2t";01hany' clear of 23igv" `aterP0e9H e'1n and shall Vop r6f s.,.:3at''a, ?? i:',le"'; 1_, _.`.-.3 E3"_" 4:in�'l:l '':t �' WCv IC: -AJ has o/ „I-.,3:, f: �� '.I:.?(J 4f .:rw t3xc'ne`"£"n ,• diTSMA by a police offices,, d lwa£Yl' o an .<.tt vl'c'7 Z`S.G�{?5'4. t..,-.i?i'r ww�.t:'.o y1`m -.j dat'y W Kiva with the regard for he. 53._OOV Sf all parov.-avi ',ha h2'.ghl-mi, Motion: 2:a oc'.:logs dMinn t slisal} vo milawPvl `6o oJeTa ls: aay vehicle .„..,. the ..;vF.l"t`?.G�i.,�7?:`;1.�'t:� in a w':"tG!'.'. e sm or canton manner or in a nogllgent Rannor on so aa to unasoossar ly endanger life or t,Tep€3rty', Section 22., Spud seetx$�u?.csx, (a) So parsonsball dmiro a wMcls Toun anV public bagh ,ow at a speed gveater thrzta is ron.emable +?.na proper bavi. regard to the traffic and use of way or so as to endanger the wife or limb or injure the property of oz„w parson. If the rate of speed of m' motor vehicle through the basim+ss district of the village exceeds twenty miles an hour, or if the pate o4 spend of say ouch motor vehiole opercatid on TLy public highix where tho eeme passes througia the r o,Jdence district of %ho village, exceeds twenty-five miles an hour, or of the rate of speed of asey such motor vehicle opeW.od as asap. public higgh:my In a suburban district, exceeds thirst' tiivo wiles au kzur, such rates of speed stall be prima facto c,, datoo that tine perz;cn operating such motor vehicle is fair; at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper havq � regard to tl?e traffic and use of the tray or so as to endanger the life or 14=1 or injure the property of any porson, (b) The speed of all :ehinles cf the second division having two or more solid rubber tires ehall not exceed ten miles p er hour (o) The fact tlo,t the speed of a vehicle is lower that the foregoing prim facie limits shall not relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed wbea approaching and crossing an Ire4ersection, when approaching and ;oil around a careee when approaching a hill crest, vAmr. traveling upon any narrow or winding roadwaW or adze's specieil ha=l ds exist with respect to pedestrians ov other traffic or bd a ween of weather of high,^v conditions and speed shaal.l be &soreazed as may be neosdoary to avoid colliding with any peram or vehicle or on entering the highway in compliance wM legal and the duty of tall persona to use due care, Section 23, Traffic not to be o'os;;ructod, do vehiole or street car shall be operated or allowed to remain upon my a treet In such a manner as to form an asnreasaonabl.e obstruction to the traffic thereon, section 24. Bicycles mrd motorcycles„ It shall be unlaauflal for more than ane person to ride a.:gon any bicycle pro— pelled by hataan power upon any street or for any person to ride upon any motorcycle other than upon a Beat attached to said vehicle. Section 25, UnattGadvd vehicles. No vehicle shall be loft unattended while the ero�or of such veldele is ranning. aid d no vehicle shall be left Athout a dri , on any hill or incline unless the vablels is seerwed aegalazt aaovigg, Section 26. Unatt onaed :et:.c ?3.r.. 1 * -hall be uulawfal t leave any horts or other drat rawly_:`„? gas atlooneled in say scree% without having siwh animal sao;�roly a'r,s"trww^d4 Section 2T. Clinging, so aohiclss. It shat be unlawful for any person on any street r ding n blt,7rola, motorq,7cle or € 1w tcg vehiole to cling to or attach hii,r cAf or hair. vehiole to any moving motor veldcle, wagon or sGreo<; c;�r, Section 26. Riding on mrnniag boards. It shall be unlawful ftr any person to ride upon the fenders, running boards® or outside step of any vehicle, —9— MY= 29. Wana MepAy. W VM� we a VAKIC a MUCK gwadv COVIFST" Q -n 0 ef"All WAs giver roxnIng of tha Madlatz �:' f If ty feat bet not !-,;$is "o : too rVarQU trial 04Z Zack rallyvad an& shoal cat pvonanj V0111 won an q0 SA017'' The drIvav of a Talaolu AM -Qall ne��; Tvaverao nach grads Oros' -1 uj -eLm n ?1, Aan a flagmaa or W00MIC S21MA Wnwas -1 ON; S'Ponads of a t rain, Vn-3 driver of cm4y izot-or %F,'0n-Plo noTTO?nq psTsonjoys Zoo hire or am y school 1=� nr o% -.,.AY 0"77YAaq nupleyivesi 01 flowmalla Mquia an CArgn QATI star inch 0 VAIM0 VMS". fifty fats bat not 1090 thon too fast Asa OLD qnlynot or's-16* =6 nhall listea wid look Q both 1"h-.".Qh a tv'alrz wight nvneWoye promaealn, acnnsa wnQ typsks at a grade cyosvin, FroAde?k t';rysach stop Hall 10% to yaquived w0n to-affic at the evossing Is dipeotna !T ez sMeer or stop mid ga light nhich glre3 a go olgral, Mation 30, KIM; throvgh fuzoval or War ro driversofa vahIA: chill VIVO bstwzan the VAIA01 COMPHOWIS a faneral or other ovocsnoion while VICY are In Motion 7"xsd tZaDn such rahloles are dncif'.Iatc-A &C In $ihis rhapter. Thin provision AM ads apply to Intorsactions Qzrtz tratfic is controlled by WaMa nontral sTgnslz or police offlcorq, 2ectior. 31- J*ivers in a procsssslon. Each driver In a funeral or other processions shall drive an awar to the Vight-WaAsle edge of 'she roadi.my as ppactlesl mad moll follcic the vehicle Wad as close ai In practival anti safe,, QVIOn 32. funnyal. procesrinn8 to be identiflY. f-uraaral com_,osed. of a _,roce3sion of vAlMoo shall be Identified as such by M display upon the outside of w%eh TAICA Of a pennant or by other identifying Insigain, >>ui by ha'00.W -the lights of each vehicle lighted. Section 33- Backing, The driver of a vehicle still not back the Pansualess such movement can to Made Ath reazonoble Wety and without interfering Wth other Vzaffia. Section 34. Restricted access. No person still drive a vehicle mato or from any restricted access readway except at soh entrances and exiSg as are established by IsTlAcanthority. Section 35. daight 11mitation4 41herever t10 14eight 0:7 vehicles permitted on a West Is MAW by orlinanco and signs indicating such limitations ate pGoW, it sha2l be walawPal to Oporate a vshiale In ezeaoo of anah 10J641 00 each Meet, exec, ting for the pusposes of makfyZ dalivery oy WTArg vp a load; In which case the vehicle zey be driven on =4 slvQwt fov no nor* than the winiarm dlsts= snaossaxy fop 04; qnvjarn. 1ATIGIT 1V Section Y Agh% of jtv'� "'t CAI An arlawill Ar the driver of any vehicle to drM caQ ar�y az-osr-,m2k withczt MY- the exercise of due aiA proper �a,7exo 'Lew of ti spea3aal vme made thereof by pa(Isetri ans., It %hall be unlaA'al to diid a"z� vehicle auto any cross':mlk while there is in such. ervaovalYt: -moon the half of the road,..mq upon whish such vehicle is traval',,n aaar pedes'.-iasa en - paged in crossing the roa.d;ray until such yedostrian shall have passed beyond the -path of such vehicle, whon the ,,�estrian alm 1 indicate his intention to cross. The driver of a vehicle shaJ3. stop before entering any crosswalk whssa say other vehicle proceedirg is the assn direction Is stopped at such crosswalk for the purpose of permiittirg a psdestrain to cross. Section 4 Pedestrians using 9.t no place shall a pedestrian crass say roadway other t1nn by the most direct route to the opposite caarbing and ,.Un crossieag at nay place other than a crosswalk he shall yield the right -*f -way to all vehicles upon the road. No person shall stand or loiter In. any roadway other than in a safety zone, if %sa:h act ?.nt:s-g•:c'e-Ou with uhs lawfn3 smoveaent of traffic. It shell be vaalawfrl fen sly parson to stand In :a .r'ce<ad=, moray for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the driver of air vehicle. Section 36 S4.gaale, At intorsaetions where traffic Is directsci by a policeman or IV a stop and ,* signor, it sball be unlawful for =7 pedestrian to cross the roadway other tb= with releasol traffic. If arch arossing interferes with the lawful movement of traffic. Section 44. Standing on ogAzvalk. It shall be r>ulaW'hl for a pedestrian to stand capon azW sadeuzli : omcept as rear as lea reasonably possible to On Dn43.d.:aF^ l5ne = curb line, if such standing Interferes with the use of said eiizoalk by other pedestrians. Section 5. Frohibited orosel--P, (a) Between adjacent intersect ons at which traffic:- control signals are in operation, pedestrians shall not cross any place except in a crossraalk. (b) No pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than In a oross',aalk in wq bade® district. Sect -Lou 6. Pedestrians walking along roadways. (a) Phare sidewalks are provideda it shill be raleaw.Fl for any pedestrian to walk along and *zpon an, 01jacaut roadvV. (b) 1-ftm sidewalks are not provided, my pedestwl au walking along and upon a highway stall,, or1'zn practicable, wAk only on the left side of the roadway or Mas s1'oulder facing traffic which may approach from the srpositO di?eelon. (c) Ifo person shall stand in a roas,us4for the pr -pogo of soliciting a ride from the draer�^ 6:1 any vehiels. section 7. Blind TGddastri:rac - right of ;:uy. bury blind parson who is carrying in a ralzed or extendod position s =e or walking stick which is white in color or ih1to tippoa -rich rod. or arho Is being guided by a dog, shall have the right of '.ray in crossing any street or hi.ghvsy. •rbethsr or not traffic on vaaeh street or highemy is controlled by traffic signals. any- -11- thing An this chapter d.rivsz' o:? r;maa• vehicle ap-aaroachin;, the plaoc whare a '0.11 ad. so osarr7m such a cane or .ealklnag "Ick or a iGg sa gc tAed,. is cro3sirg a street or high,,faq stall faring his h'"sls to a fT3.7.1 stop aml before procaedir4 shall take saach p;=-osaatlons as s2.ey ba naeaoeo sary to avoid injury to tbz blind person. he provisions of this section shall not appy to a blIPA parson wLo is not carrying such a cane or walking stick or wiau is not guided 17 a dog, but the other prov9s-lons of this chapter relating to pedestrians shall than be applicable to such person. However, the failure of a blind person to so uga on carry such a same or aaal.king stick or to be e;aidsd by a �wi'le dot, when valking on streets, hlghwags or siaeumlks still nog In considered evidence or coatril-utoly negligence. 14AW.110 RULES Section 1. No pa?klvZ places. Lt any tine it siall be unlau�ul to permit any vehicle to estaaad in any of the follows9 places, except when necessary to avoid con:Mot lth oeker traffic or in compliance vith the directions of a policeman or traf?io s2,-Aalg 1. In any interfleatioaag 2, ;-:u a crosswalk-, 3> Upon ary bridge or vi which vehicle merchandise is peddledo Section I4, Loading zone, Daring t1m times specified herein it shall be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to stand a pessenger vehicle for a period of time longer than is necaesas7 for the loading or unloading of passengers, not to exceed three minutes, and for thedriver to stead any freight carrying vehicles f or a period of time longer than is necessary to load, unload affi deliver materials, not to exceed thirty minutes, in any of the following places. 1. In any public alley, during any hour of the dT or night; P4, At any place not to exceed soventr five feet along the curb before the entrance to env hospital or hotel at ear timeg 3. At any plaue not to exceed seventy --five feet dmW the curb before the entrance to a public building between eight o'clock A,M. and six oeclock P.M. e xcept on Sumdeyg 4. Directly in front of the entrance to any theatre at any time the theatre is open for business. Section 5. Time limits, It shall be unlaxfal to pa& any vehicle for a longer period than the time designated in m7 area set aside by the Board of Trustees as a limited time pa*Ing area. The Village Kanager shall post signs indicating such roti striations. Section 6. Signs. The Chief of Police shall cause signs to be posted in all areas where parking to limited or prohibited indinting such limitations or prohibitionso Section 7. All night parking. Ho person shall park a vehicle on amy street for a period of time longer than fifteen minutes between the hours of 2 A.M. end 6 A.M. of any dqr, except physicians an emergency calls, Section S. Alloys. No person shall paste: a vehicle within an alley in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available lass than ten feet of the width of thu, roadway for the free movement of vehicular traffic, and no person shall stop, or park a vehicle +uithin an allfV, in such a position as to block the driveway entrance to amy abutting propertyo Section 9. Cab stands o bus stands, No vehicle other t han a licensed taxicab shall be parked in say area designated � ur41mnoe as a cab stand; and no vehicle other than a bus shall be parked in a place so designated as e. buns loading zone. AMIC_LL V1. CONDITION OF v IGUS Section 1. Clews vision. It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicles which is to loaded or in such condition that the operator does not have a clear vision of all parts of the roadimy essential to tI'm safe opebatioa of tIz vehicle. AW vehicle that is so constructed or loaded that the driver4s view of the roadway to the rear is obstructed siaill be equipped mvIth a mirror so attached as to give him a viers of the roaduW behind him. 130 Section 2. Umewsa;�7 zol?sae. : t,ohall. to zalao9. ul to operate a vehicle which mattes unusza%ly loud or Unaecousary nniae, Section 3. Sora. Mrexy motor vehicle s<c^a.11 be ogmlpped with a good and sufficient audible signalling devdoe In efficient working condition. Such sip,•aallirg dsw£ce shall ba sovmded. w1on necessary to give timely warning of the appt'a acb. of a vvhiola, ba such born or other signalling device ill .not be sounded for Py purpose other than as a warning of Impend.inm danger, No motor vehicle other than an emorgonoV vehicle shall be equipped with a siren or „ems signalilug d.av1ca. Section 4a teas and onokeo It shall be snalawful to operate <my vehicle which suits dense molm a r such an asmount � smo%* or fumes as to ba dangerous to tba health of pernons or as to endanger the drivers of other vehicles. Section 5. 8roJecting loads — afadth and helghto '!'be maximum width and height of any vehicle and its load ehaell not exceed the limits expressed in the State Traffic Law. to passenger type vehicle shall be operated can thu streets with a load extending boyand the line of the fenders on the left side of the vehicle nor extending more than six inches be� gond the line of the fenders on the rlet side thereof. No vehicle$ unladen or with load„ skull exceed a length of forty—two feet extreme over all dimensiosao No combination of vehicles oeupl:,d together shall consist of more than two units, and no such oeabinallou of vaahiclose un- laden or,.Lith load® shall exceed a total lcrosth of fifty facto but such length limitation shall not apply to vsh2:ales operated in Lbs daytime when transporting palest pips, z a&lnary or other objects which cannot be readily dismembered. mor to such vehicles operated at night time by a public utility when sugyged in smorgancy rQp*I? workI but shah loads carried at night tims shall be olear9y mmm•j�ad with sufficient lights to show the Rall dizensZMg of the loads No part of the lead of a vehicle shall extend more thane three feet in front of the extreme frost portion of the vehicle. Sectiou 6. Brakes. It shall be %mlawlhl to drive easy ca otor vehicle upon any street unless rush vehicle is equipped with good and sufficient brakro in good working condition, as regaaired 4 the State Traffic Lawo or to operate my vehicle which is so loaded that the operator does not hgva ready access to the modbanins- operating tin brakes of such vehiolo, Section 7- Muffler. Vo motor vehicle ;shall be epsratsd. on any street unless such vehicle is provWc d with a muffloT 1.0 sMoiout actual working condi Cion; and the nae oX a, ou4,,aut ie prohibitedo Section S. Tights, It shall be v alsW'I&I to operate or park on any stresto any vehicle not egtaipped with v4squate lights conforming to rise requirements rot the state lana, Stzotioar 9. pon- s!dA dovi.cas. Ii. scall be malaauf'ul to operate upon azy staeet mW victor roeldcle aga1pped with any non— skid device so constructed that my rigid or nor flexible portion thereof comes into contact with the pavement or roadwy. ,�gfl^ Stoticas 10. Tires. It uhrV. be mAme r1 to opsx-'Q any motor Vehicle on any at neat if tins Tehirale is not egtaippoil wBh tines conforming to W -m requirecaants o_,' tree State Traffic Lave Section 11, weight, It shill tae tmlawful to drive on any street any motor vehiole with ;a vcit ht, including load,, In excess of that permitted by the stats Traffic Lwa for Arivly% an improved highways or with weight diwtributs;l to a iea2n-? not conforming to Such law. Section 12. spalliaag loads* Pio vrahicle shall be so loa>rled that any part of its load spills or drops rani smy street or alley in the MR10ipali7. section 13. Bicycles. (a) $very bicycle when in %,ve at night time shall Is ogv4p ed frith a lamp on the front efnioh sell emit a white lUbt visible from a distance of at least five hundred feet to the front and vith a rand reflector on the roars of a type which shall be visible from all dintaa•oes from fifty f¢st to t1wee handed feast to the rear when directly in front of lawPOL upper tame of hcadl=ps on a rotor vehicle. A,augs smittiAg a red light visible from a distance of five handrail feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector. (b) yo person shall oparv4e a bicycle that shall not be sguipr)ed +rith a bell or other device capable of ,Diving a sigroal audible for a distance of at least one hundred feet, as, sept that a bicycle shall not be equipped with nor shall ate' pasrso:spas upon a bicycle nee aaay siren or whistle. (c) Lverg bicycle shall be eVipped with a geed sod adequate brake. section 14. Trucks prohlbiaed on certain. streets, It shall be unlawful to drive my truck, except for the :purpose of awing a deliveryr and then for only one block on my stmt where tracks are ;rohibited by ordinances. The Chief o2 Police stall cause signs to be placed desigaeating such streets them truck traffic is prohibited, ARTIOIn VXPI DF3IVEli Section 1, Age limit. It shall be unlawf l for person under sixteen years of age to Operate any motor vehicle upon; any street of the village. Section 2, Zigror or dr es. It alvAl be vnlaac ftl for the habitual user of naroevtic drags to operate any aotGr vehicle on any strestg and it shall be mlawful for emery In-4oxi.- sated persons or any person under than Snflmuco of alcoha]. os of a naxootic dyvg,, to opamte or atte,rpt to operate ear rotor vehicle on any street. section 3, Accidents. The driver of a vehicle -rhich Paas collided ;dth, or been in as accident withc, any vehielev .,15. yerson or property in ve-"'h a mmaera an '�o e:mse lujwy or damage shall stop immodlately and to candor sash aasistmnem as mW be possible, and to give his tsaAo row and rosidemom to the injured person as 'amy oche pa?sona>s rogmoeting the same on behalf of the injured parsons or the o ar of the property daasged® and to a polioc;man if one ie „resent. A, report of each such accident shall be g5ron by the driver of each vehicle concerned in it to the Chief of Police seithim twoaty-four hours after the accident. AMIECTIMMI Section 1. Pensalty. Any persona, f1m or corporation violating any provision of this chapter sball be finned not loss than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Soction 2. Arrosts. Any person, sm—Assted for m violation of my provision of this chapter shall be released upon proper bell being'furaishad as required by statute. T&e police officer in oommand at the station smaye in the absence of a Polios Magistrate or Justice, prescribe the am=t of 'hail or bond in each instance. Provided ,haat any arrested person mW at his request have the asaou2t of such board set by a Magistrate or Justice of tia Peace as provided 17 statute. section 3. Tickets. For offenses other than driving utile intoxicated or reckless driving, police offioeras, afloor wAkinag note of the license nixamber of the vehicle (and rams of the offender whore possible) rang Ism a uaffto violation ticket notifying the offender to appear in court at the time designated for hearing such oases. Such officer may sign a complaint for the ieoumnoe of a warrant if tba offender does net appear at the time and place so specified. �2TCY,E lY. EMOTIVE AAMB Seetion 1. That this ordin�noo shall be in fUll force and effect upon its psmsagem approval and publication according to law. <5f.�."ZrT Sl n PASSEBs this 10th day of Juueo A.J. 195$ APPROVED; this; 10th day' of June, s3.J. 1957 C. Pew _.� YI1J.A�lbEyGWr,P� �� � Charles A. I dlW -�'RFSET''i PUBLURD by lunstlu_ Im the aol.loulag t2 -ma pablio plc s In tha Vill-go this 13th daay of JM19, .&.D. 100. ?ilk Grove `Pillage Fall d Arlington Reights Read South of North East Corner of Lan for Road and Arlington Heights Fed X. ,lest Bide of Tonne Road& alpror. `soar (4) blocks North of pmem i. vi,, fat v. Petrle (Village Gletft)