HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE - 30 - 10/14/1957 - PERPETUAL EASEMENR, GRANTING AW si°MM TO ,In 0) 1 :381a3Lt' t¢i° :T'L':1S3eCal r:. +:: '$i'EGi Village of `]lk C.ircC ro a.l'!tRga•, "Ili- olf" Section L !;Yet t3ub4ect t�, the condi loaz base= iwfter stataad, a pee- pa' ".,°xxaeu-t, s t� aVsl wtthwit7 be aud the saw is howalrr manted and &1,wvz to The Wetrqr�- olitas Saait Dlstraot of G ater G-Mcv4 o to eoucts.^tmtr, seoonstraat, repairs and qpomts as ftterreplulzZ seaere drain, and outlet„ together with rill aaecaumyv app=a temanoes hereto, tmd aa=peulng sewerso all kereiz&Mw dem sloated as natozeepti SawereY the stale to be an ad.ja;8 of and addition to On Wer lea Pllal.nes Tntowoeptias Sover, the Korth She Sewage 2'r eatrant 'r°orko, tits Nom She Cbban nolo and Nze Main Channel e;' The Me"rolpolitm Sal Iba ro' District oi' Greater Chicago, apoma under, and. t.�xox%gra eartain ,6aosV6, publt al7eqsn =di highways cas' Zte Villagp of 31K Grove l+ill®, within the torritorial ltplts of said Village of Mlk Game MUM traversed 1W the right of W of ths luterospti Severo -aftcl right of wav is described as follow—eq,, wit; That part of Caktan Street looated iirlthlm the oaaporato limits of t�A- Village cc rli� G:mvet Village lyiu& between the east be=&W Ilia o.2 he V111 a of M Grove Vill a&a uhich Is also the eatt line 01 the Mor' east (�=taa of FAction 25,. Ttaaelsha.p 41 pal Meridian and a line 500 Test wase o:rfl parallel to irA ao-,m 1y d.°Gbat atom emu gold east 11,10 of the riox'tLeest d ea' All. altuvat-sd 8z. t2rA Villa ga aV Mlit 2:z 7a Vii. ;; Q'+s ty of Gooks and. State OT X112moxs, vial as baa =lairel in 7*d an plat aaa £.bit m attaoa'ml h'eto Bald suede a p"1; h4 roof, section 2. nat the Sewer w4an be emstruoted in open out, ar,31, wad t1b loaatlon: zipo, and zmnor of {YO"3ti':.2"'.i:C',':?::'.C:". of 'a Ir0;erog'�atiA qc-i; ' y%3fl,; u, oiz3 in accoa^df8 uo &C?t-h ;alp<.;.�G <2ed spsajl catlons a6zn,+pwr--:d b'7 m&q� Netrepolit Smitary ra otr sat of i` -2e itev, Ohiea&b ,, Section .gym That, sanbject always to the coaei tions of this Ordinauoea Tian SsaStaxy Diuftl: at of Greater Chicago is horebF given and greated the rl&t, at Its sale co®t and sspozzae (a) To Sutereept or out, or oa.ase to be i atc;.roopv`sd or cat, &V existing sewers, conduits, or pipes $b=ough which savage or drainage may flow WdIln the limits of the right of way described in Seatim I of this Ordimnoe which may be sa oe� sary in the eoYactruo lon of tba Intercepting Sewer of The 'Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, and to make anoh changes in She lecationv alignveeat, or design of said oxist$rS conduits or pipes as w27 be naoes=7, providedo bows r, that the usefulness of said existing sewers, coadaits, or pipes shall not be impdred eIWO (b) To out, into existing sewers of tbo Villav of M Grave Village and construct therein couneotions for the purpose & diverting the flow from the sowers of the Village of Elk Grose Village at the locations approved by the Chief 3ngfueer of The Metropolitan Senit=7 District of Greater Chico to the Intercepting Sewer of The Ustrapolitaa ssuim Lary Distriet of Greater Chicago, section 46 That the rights hsrs1V granted to Tkv Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chico am w granted tion the follmilvg oonationge, (a) That 'The Hotropoolitan Smitarg District e. Greatet• Chi=cago oball at its owe ezposse ,—" cash obazges In tt3 location of the police read. fire ala -em:, electr�.o ligM sad traffio signal wiroo„ cables, asci neeasaary ecmapw=% of the Village of Elk Grove Virago as ma be rendered ueaessasy by tip oonstraction of tba Iutesceptn lag Sewer of :&o Kotuzopolitaa !Unitary Dlatriot of Greater Ohioago pr=ovided sash ahaagoo are wade in a wxt and imAuaalike aero (b) That thb Inteavoptin�n Sewer of The Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Ohicap stall be contracted. reconstrunted.,, repaired, mg offi— oientiy maintained md operated solely by Tana Metropolitan Smi &W District of Graeatw Chicago at its sale seat and ®apeanseg ural tRm said Village of 1llk Grove SIlMga 2bn2a. not be held re%pausibie Zan saw caner for the locatilor. *;2' HaYd7er of Construct— long, on, 2!eu C.m'Xot1M" Or q,sy(L'a 'cion of tkz O,: ,3- (a) Tk at tkai3C �i,,'y y; it ea SKA is - !Astrlet C.7 Cuestas Ch .a" o gall iudsrmifg xaed hold uy all claims i"€,: &=Pzge to seal ead pveiiQra1- propert3; ex)A a ios or death ov-Pfc;,aO q7 Persons�.Iq �Sa-'4a of the omstxaoi�.oa, ralc� V. JJ struo i, -e'W;2--S =LInt mane, or of this lntevoeptimg Seb-or within alis toads-, orate limits of WA Village cf ilk Grove Village. (d) That The Metropolitan SMItary Diatriov Of Greater Chlasgo Seress tk t in the eas^%t tbac any of the pavimat s e street% pubilo milers„ and h9ghwa7so wsrlks© cross walkaA cuxrbs, gutters:, catch baslusz and/or other pUL-0110 pro-,peg'.7 of the Villagea u? FAk Grove Village are deotzagva, dwnagedr, or interfered with 7 tie construction, ., tananoso repaire or operation of the Inter- cepting Server, or by amt work required 3n t&a maintenance, rsmovfng, altmn2ago or 2epaSriss of salter mains and their apywtersneseo maser- sitated by said conetsuctlono maaintenanceso re-- pair,, ampair, or operation, The Metropolitan Saanit� District of Greater Chicago ii &UP at its oum sole cost and expense$ rosters said public property of th-- Village of Elk Grope Village to its former Condition of useftuxess as soon thereafler as Is practicable after asay of said propWr y bas been so dietmrbed or interfered with. A-11 avw plus excaeatica and other spoil shall be removed from the paved strestso public sllerso and high- ways 'W tke igh- waays'Wthe Xetrdpolitaa Sa°aat7 DistrIat of Greater Chicago within a reasonable time. Tim lmblie use of said s^rootso pablic alleTsp sad highaaays A- thln the Village of 731St Grove Villageo above specified, AmIl not be =necessarily inLerran_%ad or interfered with. (e) That as far as it is praotiatble, The Met4opol- Itsn Saultaary District of Greater Chicago r., l Construct aad mintain temperate bridges fox loth street Teed foot' traffic cmatil the psx satse walk -so and eroas ,ialks ?¢mora;+3 or distarW. by reason of said. Bork of oonstnactson shall les re, stored to their former condition of ussfalmas. (f) That the Villcc-e off° Btk Grove Tillage dose hard -W order mad 6iree b all persone, partuershipov or corporations edea &&all at thea aims of coaistr-cwc- Loa of tie Xntarcepting Sewer ossa, operate;, or maintria aw coadui.ts, ?3,°aW'''go yolssc piped gas malns, cablav:' electric, stow and stmt :sail- wev tracks end eq%1pz9W6v or othar strntatwr.,ae within any portioa of the 'dtroatso rniblic allays, and i 9ghways to be ezea-mted in ',Fee constauatIon of tle £ntsb-exaIASOW? .,t MS, Its, 03 thou - own o4ponsep to at;ako stch damages in the location of such oondul3;--,; rriree,, yoleeo gas rz%L%%, mbl6sa, �4� electrion s: as ersd s--Veet zell=7 taec7 s aga=1 ec,wpeora r)::` 0**r 8.S".flQAti`r.'b&, ac, ?•_;`wv" 4-r a*aasa?eraE noceo o 'VII e:{' c4 5;aterae�s? _.at5 Serer,; y4ovlded;, howvn---I `;hat -; Village ot, '.':. caove V:Ularge skzall tzxi: ue liel)lc _:.sy CIAL434-"': L., 11R 'the .. .. a :: peraoa, qa-:2taors 1p, nz' ix)rpo7atlon, -o ccazy out arA the prz)visi.onz (g) That The Mat:?opolltw Sanitary Dietrilov of Greater Chicago and its contractors are here'W given and granted the right to use in the ceu- etraction of the Intorcepting Sever,? t7neks and e cavating equipment on the surface of said stleeetap public alleys, and highiaysa and W also use in said construction such excavators, helstizW engines, and other plant and egalpmant as neV U ngoessarp for the complete construction of maid work; providedo howsvero that such use Bill not damage existing underground utilities or con - Mot with existing ordinances of the Village of Elk Grove Villages (h) That in all cases where it shall became cad be necessary to maintain water services maintain,, remove® alter, repair, we restore water m-glus in the streets, public alleys, and highiwWs of the Village of Elk Grow Village on account of the construction, repair, maintenance, operation, afld existence of the Intercepting Sewer, TIM Metro, politan Sanitaay District of Greater Chicago is hereby authorized and directed to maintain water servitor maintains remove, alter, repairo or re- store such water malas at its sole cost and em - pensee In all. oases where it shall become and be necessary that mater service pipes be rssaovedo cut off, or damaged in any w;sy on account of the am- struction of the Intercepting Sever, The Met=- politan; Sanitary District of Greater Chicago to hare* authorized and directed to romove, a'ltoro repair, or restore such water service pipes at its oats cost ani mapeaso„ Ia any open axat work done cnsder this ordi?nnoec• wherever water pipes or their appurtenances cross to trench of thn Intercepting Seweer A.th cyst cutting through its or thGIv arosemsectIm Tbs Hatrop€s1St=SL'+Y.+$a'�.�A'? r strict of Grrpateri' Mdoage susxll sup?PoTt M -1d water pipes :qui app�t2anarccss and wa?xataka se-T,?lce thaieof 11th Mt interruption MU! t"13 .caZr thoraabou:%s 10 ao2pleted5. Prca2aidev.;, hawWM2-.., that tha V111age ex wlk Grove 'vill-age All o7e"F :a froom thi=s a q{ tpKwat of r—r-bl10 2ib"alty rz+ thoo ;a"aivle of 311inoio %ho -5 - written appivva l of any ahaMes orelteratiens rscpi.red in the water supply system ar' tlua Village of ni 11c Grove Village b, reason. of tha cDn-, struation, aec..onstraotiont pair' or Operation. of the Server In said righ�+ of w, -V spec'if'ied in Section 1 hexsof5 all as roemired in Public later Suppi„g Control Law of the State of Illinois, enacted by the 67th General Assembly, approved August 6b 195To (1) That the Village Clerk is hordby authorized vasa directed to issaaeo vithout lees or cost them for, to the Metropolitana Saulta y District of Greater Chicago or to any oontraCtor to wbax the work or any part thereof Vecified In this ord "nnae shall be awarded, aU permits ex; licenses regoirmd for doing said work aad ab all not require from Tla9 Metropolitan Seca.U27 D?s— triot of Gauer Chicago or its said contractors the deposit o! say suers of mcasy now "cralvod mmder tba ordinances of the Village of Elk Grove 711 lags for similar woarko end shall £aarnieh to TDO Metro- politan Sauits.*g District of Greater Chicago or Its contractors at any existing inter connection or hydranto all. water needed in &tai porforwme of nald work at the lowest regular rate oharged IV the Village ol Elk Grove Village to its consucerso all said •,mater to be meaevred through meters Purulabod by The Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago os its contractors and fur- ther® shall sot require the pWaent by Tho VAt"Politan Sasuitary District of Greater Chicago of any Sees or saal"S a for Inspectors eeployed by The Village of Elk Grove Village on add worlr,> Section 4o The Village of 31k Grove Village does hereby agree that before passing any ordinanoo for the Installatiora, con, atruction, extension, or reconstructiono modification, or change of W description of nny sewer or system of sewers to ogre for domestic se-.agaa or drainages, that it 4" frsret proaore the approval of the Chief Engineer of The Netropolitan Sanitary Dire trSet of Greater Chicago of all plans Lmd spoeZrioations for the rMstalla.tlon, oeszstruoti ozcension, reconstructlam, Modifioat=;, or oba.nge of any strew or syst€a cf neavrrse which plane and sgooir fioati,ons ohall confozv. to the rrlea , and megul.ations of Thxa Metro- politan smtaxes aDietriot of Gkza'4e? Chicago for connections to sewers and the raintemance thwoof< And =.g such sewer or systas of sewers shall 1x3 so ooDftuetsd ana maintalned so as to prevent, a leakage or ssepage of ground meter Into the saw in exmes 1,0630} Q�'gy”��f�}3��VT�3�i},3�iT0;�zws�a�'Stt'� iylQa�,y g;2.��?t9ns s(DnY u�/t�}S�iP */�l?c3 c3 rsS�e{byt€�i�t AU.-Ing a3 y)`., WWY period 4.1 f• :���-CI^S. �. rime r?\:..:��w- ,try9�eq'ay' yiy �G'i.^:�1' 9i'Lv�1}{'}V�Y-yiU.L 1'f'�.i' I�I.V `✓u. Y.�f gees to mintaia ane e iammltsz7 oeu*^?^ ��tam (free roots swface, and esom dater), its existing sewer eystsmt amid aoy suer or sewer spsteas bulli: in an area mot mm sevmreda and to keep the entire saner system ?n. gooel mp lrO They Village cX Mlk Grove Villege ftwthar agrees to pa-zz st suitable ordinance p-Avh3b5tIng tim discharge of gzuol'?ne., grease® oil, crank ease eleaniago rid ird"Ammble the liquids to the severs in the Villnz, Section 6e This ordinance s7 Al be in foal tf. affect from and after its passage and approvals and the acceptance of the samms t The Hatropolitan Smitasg District of Greater Chicago with -Lm- ninety (90) days from t� fists of the passage thereof, which aoeeptance shall ba evidenced by a certified copy of the order„ resolution, or ordinance of the Board of Trustees of The Metropolitem San t.%Ty District of Greater Chicago accepting; the same filed vait."Q the Village Clark of the Village of 121k Grove V111cge, P?esOn+8d> October i,!- ly a z F,Ueed? 00tobor 1}4, •91-:;i &.ppro reed; October !4, :.,tea Ayes .. `o Tz ot;eea Reqs No Trastwo _ Charles Lo $*il'ei l �i"rss2daat, mllago 0� lk diova Village AT"ES?a Aar-reuu lin ?etTlc Village Clow C/ide