HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESOLUTION - 9-60 - 8/22/1960 - CANVASSING/SPECIAL ELECTION `^ i$SOI,i1 ZF 4MRWs the President and 30ard or Trustees of the Villagp :;, 7711c I *dillri s Coot County# I11irais, I'Aretofctre on the -22n4— d4W of _ AUaust a 1960a clod adopt an o2d1nanom providi.^tq ror tbs subetiasion to thew legal voters of sand 'd11184p s amt t► upersisal ttletatlOn duly called Mal held in and for said Vying on the 10th daY of September 1960, the following quos- tionst I 1 Sha31 binds in the emomtt of =300,000 be issued by the Village of t s I t Elk Groan Village, Cook County, Illinois, for the purpose of con-: s t I e»PaD" wd equipping municipal buildings on property owned by t s i i Us Village of Elk Oro" Village sad bordered by Landmsier Road t113 t t t an the South aId the Commonwealth Edison Company highllne on the t t s i West and North) said municipal bulldirgs to consist of one build-: s s s irg combined for the fire Department, police headquarters and t s t s jail, Village offices and a -courtroom, and a separate building t s s i for the Street Department and its equipment] to mature serially s t t t ;5,000 on February 1 of each ot the years 1968 to 1971 inclusive,t t t i #10,000 on Fabruar� 1 1972, x,20,000 on February 1, 1973, y30,000s I t t on February 1, 1974, 35,000 on February 1 of each of the years s t t r 1975 to 1978 inclusive, and L1s0,00o on February 1, 1979 and Feb- t M0 s a t ruury 1, 1980 respectively, bearing interest from date of isau- s t s i -nos at a rate of interest not to exceed five percent (5i) per i t t i atmmm payable on August 1 and February 1 of each year until paid?t s t t t s t QMSTIOMs TO ISSUE lr.80,000 FIRE EQUIMNr BCNW (IMSTRWTICM TO VCTERSs Place a cross (x) in the square opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote.) t s s s i Shall bads in Use amount of 4809000 b-3 issued by the Village of s s t t Elk Orotre Village, Cook County, Illind3, for the purpose of pur- s I I t ohaeiag fire equipment• for its Fire Department, consisting oft tzZ3 t s I two fire engines, tank track, boses, pumps, a tiro-tray radio systav s r s and nwsssary appurtenances and equipnsnty to mature serially s t t A #5,OOO on February 1 of etch of the years 1963 to 1966, iooluidre,t a a t $20,000 an Fabreary 1 of each of the years 1967 to 1972, inclu- t t s t sive, bearirC interest free the dab of issuance at a rate of in-s NO i t s terest not U exceed five percent (5z) per sums- payable on t t s i August 1 and .ebrvary 1 of each year until paid? s s t t e t t QIESTIM TO MSIE =20,000 STNM EgUlPMUT BCWS (in R5TiiWTION TO VCMSs place a cross (x) in the square opposite the word Indicating the way you desire to vote.) ' t t Shall bonds in the amount of #20,000 be issued by the Village of t t a i ilk Oros Village, Cook County, Illinois, for the purpose of par-i t t i chmaLg street equipment for Its street Department, consisting ofssM a ty t dui track, anew plow, tractor, street ow"per, oceprvnor, ani t t a s air bmwj to mature seriallr =5,000 an February 1 of each of tbesl,I a t years 1963 to 19660, inclusive, bearing interest from the dab of t t a 1 l" mss at a rate of interest not to exceed five percent (5%) s Is t t per amus parable on August 1 ad February 1 of each year until t 10 t t ealdt t +8 t �• ...-.�.----""."`�-�►T+�,.�..w.•...•.�..++."'.....w.-.�...y.-.y n....,.:-.mow.—........,�.rn..... ._.,. ..4.rr, y: and 4MJWAs, the President and Hoard of Trustees of said Village / did cause notice or said zPacial suction to be given by the V11- laae Clark not mom than thirty (30) days nor lose than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of said special election by publishing notice thereof can an the 25th day of August , 19601 in the Elk Grove Herald , the juste being a newspaper published in and ASVUL3 a jeneral cirou- "tiou within said Vills;p, and by posting notice ttareor in at least three (3) Pent places in each election precinct and at east% of the pollinn places desir�Vatod for said elections which raid notices as so publirahod and poated did a►psoify the places whereat such eloctlon istax to be held, UW tim of openin:I3 and closing of the polls# and the questions to be 'voted upon, oopiee of said notices with the affidavits of publication and posting attached thereto, being now an file and a part of tt.e official re- cords of the EmrenUient and :hard of Trustees of this V11184ge and being in words and fns ares an follows: (tiers insert newspaper clippinn, of notice as pub- lished with publisheris affidavit attached there- to and copy of notice as posted with affidavit of Ming attached thorsto.) and 'MRM, the election returns have been presented to and have been canvassed by the President and ward of Trustees of said Village u MW, T==aM* Be It and It ra Hereby hiesolved by the President and Board of Trustee* of the YillaAe of Elk Ora" Vll- lags, Cook county* Illinois, as rollaest ;eotlon 1. `fiat the total number of votes east at said apeaial election, an sham by the poll list, wast :lection vrecinat Number 1 4 0 3lection Preainot Rumber 2 244 •'rwYs+ TOTAL 694 3ec�n 2. That on the question of Issuing bonds in the amount or '300,000 for the purpose oC paying the carat or a:anstruat• ing and equipping muniaipal buildings In &;d for the Villa4e of Elk drove► Village, Cook County, Illinois, the votes cast thereon *sero as follows: 3allota round blarstc, ':lection Total rtpoiled or defectively :?reclnct ^Ilzt Yes Mo z arked and not counted 1 443 368 75 2 237 206 31 'Dotal 68o 574 1o6 14 Section . That on the question or Issuing bonds in the amount of 1300 OO for the purpose of paying the vast or purdwse• ing fire equipment 1n and for said Village, the vote* cast thters- on were as follams3 �allata rUlsttd blank, Election Total spoiled or defectively Precinat Cast Yes 10 r-Lrked and not omnted 1 444 428 16 2 239 226 13 Tatar 683 654 29 11 section 4, That on the question of is,suing bowies LR the =out of �,2OsOOO for the purpose or paying the coat of puroh"Um ,street equlpraent in and ror said Vllaaje, the votes east thereon were as follows: 3 llotx mind blank, ` Election Total vl�w�i a- ."dyy apoiled .or desotti ely t,reci of • }}y ¢ ¢ uc 1: QQutlted www } 444 392 52 2 237 220 17 Total 681 612 62 ;action . 'Mat it Zai 2'ero6y rind, •letermined and de- olared of record that the question or issuing bonds in the ammat of 4300,000 for the vurpose of Paying the cost of constrruotift WA equippitt nunioipal buildings in and for said Villase,iusuing beads In the amount of P80,000 for the purpose of rpay1ft the cost of purdaaeing f Sro equipment in and for said Village, aM Issuing bonds in tfA ammmt of $20,w l0 for the purpose ca* paring the cast of purchasing street eguipseat in and for said Villai9e, did each receive the approval or a majority of the elecstors of Um Village voting on said respective questions at said spool" election and that said �Mztlona havo boon le ,all-j approred and carried wd that the Pcsident and Joard or Tmatees of the Villa�p of M Grows VillaCvo Cook vountys llinoia, have Seen authorized by the aleotors of the Village of Elk Orom Villama to Sasses $3000000 Amialpal Building Honda, sao 000 Fire Equipment sends m d 420s000 ztreet Equipuent Bonds or Sam Village. SestIon 6. That all orders or resolutions in aWliot herewith be and the ,sans are& to the extent of Such confliet, hereby repe&2040 and than this resolutions he In full force and effect Ssaesdlately sand forthwith capon its adoption. Pass" September 12 ` 1960a Appr V*d September 14 � 1960. j' Attest! Village cleric` t 6'