HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLAN COMMISSION - 11/16/1972 - PARKING REQUIREMENTS MINUTES REGULAR PLAN COMMISSION MEETING November 16, 1972 Members Present: Chairman William Shannon; Messrs . Thomas Hamilton, Mead Killion, Al Krasnow, Richard Pottker, Richard Sorenson; Secretary Leah Cummins. Others Present: Mr. Thomas Rettenbacher and later Mr. Robert Franz, representing Administration; Mr. Calkins, Mr. Handler, Mr. Alschuler, Messrs. Manaves and Kotsios and their attorney, Mr. McLennan, Mrs. Kathy Duoba. 1 . New Business : The Plan Commission conducted a public hearing at 8:08 P.M. , covering a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance for parking require- ments for certain unique type uses . This transaction is reported in full in a document known as Docket 72-11 which is on file in the Village Clerk's office. At 9: 10 P.M. the hearing ended and the Plan Commission convened upstairs with their first order of business being the aforegoing petition. There was considerable discussion on this matter. Mr. Rettenbacher waxed eloquent during both the public hearing and the Plan Commission' s discussion. His passionate, often repeated plea for more pavement will go down in the annals of outstanding soliloquies delivered within this hallowed Village Hall 's walls! It is impossible to recreate in this writing his ardent monoloque, but a good example of it may be found in the public record of Docket 72711 . At the termination of Mr. Rettenbacher' s address , your Plan Commission Secretary was tempted to lift her rootbeer slurpee on high and propose a toast to Elk Grove Village - the land of the fee and the home of the paved. Her self-restraint should be both noted and commended. In the wake of all this, Mr. Killion moved for approval of five parking spaces per tennis court plus fulfillment of applicable require- ments of the proposed Zoning Ordinance for related uses. His motion died for lack of a second. He then moved for approval of a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Elk Grove Village as it pertains to Article X, B-1 , "Business District Regulations" Section 3, Parking Requirements, by adding thereto the following: "provided however that certain unique uses hereinafter designated shall not be required to provide said parking areas, but rather the amount of parking space set opposite the use. Tennis Clubs - six parking spaces for each tennis court". Voting AYE: Hamilton, Killion, Krasnow, Pottker, Sorenson, Cummins; Voting NAY: Shannon. It must be mentioned that Mr. Shannon' s "NAY" was not only a vote, it was a pronouncement! We were all thrust into deep contemplation concerning the message our leader had delivered. If one has ever heard 4 t • • 1 . New Business (continued) the CZAR say "NAY" one knows the turmoil it creates ; if one has never had this experience, there's just no way to describe it. Speculation is, however, that this indicates Mr. Shannon will not file for Village President, - he will more likely run for Trustee! 3- I . Unfinished Business - Higgins Industrial Park Unit No. 102. (This plat is the one for the tennis club referred to above. ) It was moved by Cummins , seconded by Krasnow that the preliminary and final plats be approved with a recommendation to the Village Board to give special consideration to a requirement for retaining runoff waters in the parking lot to compensate for the loss in the ability of the soil to absorb water. All present voted AYE - including the CZAR. 1-B. New Business - Widening of Arlington Heights Road. This item was not covered. Instead , Mrs. Kathy Duoba, speaking as a private citizen commented on her disappointment for the preliminary development plans from Centex for the land west of Route 53. She felt they fell far short of being a planned unit development. She conveyed an invitation to the Plan Commission, on behalf of the Professional Planner of the Village of Arlington Heights , to come to see samples of desirable PUDS. Mrs. Cummins is to contact him to fix a date for this opportunity. 1-C. New Business - Higgins Industrial Park Unit No. 105• The engineering report was not in, so this item was left uncovered. 2. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Plan Commission of November 2, 1972 and the special meeting of November 9, 1972 were read by the Secretary and approved by the members. 3• Unfinished Business : A. Oakton Industrial Park Unit No. 1 . The North Cook County Soil & Water Conservation approval has not yet been received, so we left this item uncovered. B. Longfellow Subdivision at Medical and Dental Park. Mr. George Long and Mr. Steve Handler, his attorney, were present to discuss this item with the Plan Commission. Mr. Shannon said that he had asked Mr. Hofert for a written opinion regarding this matter, but had as yet received no reply. Meanwhile, we learned that a building permit had been applied for, since it is Mr. Ungaretti 's opinion that no resubdivision is needed; he feels they can simply add another building. Mr. Shannon explained that if Mr. Hofert does not say it is a unit, then Mr. Long has to come back on a resubdivision. D. Docket 72-10. Discussion of this petition to rezone from county B-5 to Village B-1 a one-acre tract of land for a restaurant at Elmhurst, - 2 - Plan Commission Minutes November 16, 1972 r. 40 3• D. Docket 72-10 (continued) Higgins and Touhy Avenue centered around the parking facilities. Commissioners are amenable to the annexation and the intended use of the land but the parking situation is precarious. When being reminded that the Plan Commission's considerations should for the present time be limited to the petition for rezoning, and that the parking aspect comes later, Mr. Shannon commented, "We haven' t preempted the Trustee's right to make pre-annexation agreements but I think that' s an area we might want to explore." We wonder if he will feel the same on April 17th! Mr. Pottker moved , and Mr. Hamilton seconded a motion to approve a zoning change from County B-5 to EGV B-1 for the subject property. Mr. Shannon then announced to the developers, "You will have to come back for another public hearing for variance on parking stalls , because the way the plans are drawn does not meet our requirements. Come back to prove to us why your proposed parking is adequate and an asset to the Village. If you can' t prove it - we' ll deny your petition." On the motion for rezoning, all present voted AYE. C. Elk Grove Industrial Park Unit No. 5 - Lots 17 and 18. Mr. Hamilton mentioned that the Kane-DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District had given their okay on this plat. Pottker moved, and Krasnow seconded its approval . All present voted AYE. 1-D. New Business - The Dinner Meeting Committee fixed a date of January 13, 1973 for the momentous annual event. Details will follow. 3-F. Plat Checklist. Conversation on this item began, but bogged down on the function of the Judiciary, Planning and Zoning Committee and the sequence of its involvement in planning and zoning activities. The hour was getting late and the discussion was getting nowhere so Mr. Pottker moved and Mr. Sorenson seconded adjournment. It was 12:02 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Leah Cummins Secretary LC:ms 3 - Plan Commission Minutes November 16, 1972